전치사별 의미 총정리(C~O)

이번 포스트에서는 각 전치사에서 자주 사용되는 의미를 추려서 설명하였습니다. 예제를 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

1. ~과 관련하여 : He studies everything concerning trees.

1. ~임에도 불구하고 : We walked downtown despite the rain.


1. 낮은쪽으로 : The ball rolled down the hill.
2. ~을따라서 멀리 : He lives down the street.

1. ~동안 쭉 : She works during the day.
2. 때때로 특정시각 안에 : An accident occurred during the night.

1. 포함하지 않고 : I have visited everyone except him.

1. 시간의 기간 : We walked for two hours.
2. 거리 : I walked for five kilometers.
3. 목적 : I bought this jacket for you.
4. ~의 방향으로 : She left for New York.
5. ~을 찬성하여(in favor of): We are for the proposal.
6. ~라 생각하다 : The boy is clever for his age.

1. 시작한 장소 : We left from Boston; he comes from Mexico.
2. 기간의 시작 : from now on; from yesterday until today
3. 범위의 시작 : from 20 to 30 people were present.
4. 원인 : He suffers from nervousness.
5. 근원, 원천 : I first heard the story from you.

1. 넓은장소 : in London; in Europe.
2. 장소안에서 : in the room; in the building.
3. 긴 시간의 단위 : That happened in March, in 1992.
4. 특정시간 내에 : I will return in an hour.
5. ~의 수단으로 : write in pencil; speak in English.
6. 상태 : in doubt; in a hurry; in secret
7. ~의 구성원 : He is in the orchestra; in the navy
8. 입고있는 : the boy in the blue shirt.
9. ~을 언급하며 : lacking in ideas; rich in oil

1. ~안에 : They are inside the house.

1. ~의 안쪽으로 : We stepped into the room.
2. 상태의 변화 : The boy changed into a man.

1. ~과 닮은 : That looks like him.
2. ~이 가능할것처럼 보이는 : It looks like rain.
3. ~에 적합한 기분이되다 : I feel like going to swimming.

1. 더 적은 : Three minus two equals one.

1. 가까운 : near the school; near the ocean.

1. 위치 : east of here; the middle of the road.
2. 소유관계 : a friend of mine; the sound of music.
3. 그룹의 일부 : one of us; a member of the team.
4. 측정, 치수 : a cup of milk; two meters of snow.

1. 꺼진, ~으로부터 떨어져서 : Please keep off the grass.
2. ~으로부터 약간의 거리에 : There are islands off the coast.

1. ~의 표면에 접하여 : on the table; on the wall.
2. 특정한 날 : That happened on Sunday, on the 6th of June.
3. 특정 거리(street) : on South Street
4. ~과 관련하여 : a book on engineering.
5. 상태에 있는 : on strike; on fire; on holiday.
6. ~을 이용해 : live on a pension; shown on television.

1. ~쪽으로 : The child climbed onto the table.

1. 마주보고 : The library is opposite the fire station.

Out of
1. ~의 바깥쪽 : She went out of the room.
2. 셋이상 중에서 : We won two games out of three.
3. (동기, 원인) ~에서 : We spoke to them out of politeness.
4. 원료 : The bridge is made out of steel.
5. 정도를 넘어선(범위밖에) : out of control; out of danger.

1. ~의 바깥쪽 : outside the house
2. ~의 범위를 넘어선 : outside my experience

1. 위쪽, 더 높은 : There are cupboards over the sink.
2. 덮고있는 : We spread an extra blanket over the bed.
3. 가로질러 : I jumped over a puddle.
4. 더 많은 : It cost over ten dollars; It took over an hour.
5. ~동안에 : I saw him several times over the pass week.
6. ~을 이용해 : We made plans over the telephone.
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by moon_river



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