본 연습문제는 '작문일반 > 2. 효과적 작문 > 2. 논리알기 : 논리오류' 카테고리의 연습문제 입니다.[각주:1]

[각주:2]다음의 각 문장에서 나타나는 논리적 오류는 무엇인가요? 또, 어떻게 그런 오류가 발생하게 되었는지도 설명해 보시기 바랍니다.

1. It is necessary to confine criminals and to lock up dangerous lunatics. Therefore there is nothing wrong with depriving people of their liberties.

2. How much longer are you going to waste your time in school when you might be doing a man's work in the world, and contributing to society? If you had any sense of social responsibility, you would leave immediately.

3. The army is notoriously inefficient, so we cannot expect Major Smith to do an efficient job.

4. God exists because the Bible tells us so, and we know that what the Bible tells us must be true because it is the revealed word of God.

5. Congress shouldn't bother to consult the Joint Chiefs of Staff about the military appropriations. As members of the armed forces, they will naturally want as much money for military purposes as they think they can get.

6. Mr. Brown: I will give no more money to your cause next year.
Solicitor: That's all right, sir, we'll just put you down for the same amount that you gave this year.

7. When we had got to this point in the argument, and every one saw that the definition of justice had been completely upset, Thrasymachus, instead of replying to me, said:

"Tell me, Socrates, have you got a nurse?"
"Why do you ask such a question," I said, "when you ought rather to be answering?"
"Because she leaves you to snivel, and never wipes your nose: she has not even taught you to know the shepherd from the sheep."

-- Plato, Republic

8. Narcotics are habit-forming. Therefore if you allow your physician to ease your pain with an opiate, you will become a hopeless drug addict.

9. You can't prove that he was to blame for the misfortune, so it must actually have been someone else who was responsible.

10. You can't park here. I don't care what the sign says. If you don't drive on, I'll give you a ticket.

11. But lest you think, that my piety has here got the better of my philosophy, I shall support my opinion, if it needs my support, by a very great authority. I might cite all the divines almost, from the foundation of Christianity, who have ever treated of this or any other theological subjects: but I shall confine myself, at present, to one equally celebrated for piety and philosophy. It is Father Malebranche...

-- David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

16. Cooks have been preparing food for generations, so our cook must be a real expert.

17. More young people are attending high schools and colleges than ever before in the history of our nation. But there is more juvenile delinquency than ever before. This makes it clear that to eliminate delinquency among the youth we must abolish the schools.

18. You say we ought to discuss whether or not to buy a new car now. All right, I agree. Let's discuss the matter. Which should we get, a Ford or a Chevy?

19. Our nation is a democracy and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. We believe in equality of opportunity for everyone, so our colleges and universities should admit every applicant, regardless of his economic or educational background.

20. Anyone who deliberately strikes another person should be punished. Therefore the middleweight boxing champion should be severely punished, for he assaults all of his opponents.

21. We should reject Mr. Watkins' suggestions for increasing the efficiency of our colleges. As a manufacturer he cannot be expected to realize that our aim is to educate the youth, not to make a profit. His recommendations can have no value for us.

22. Everyone said that the soup had a very distinctive taste, so they must all have found it very tasty.

23. If we want to know whether a state is brave we must look at its army, not because the soldiers are the only brave people in the community, but because it is only through their conduct that the courage or cowardice of the community can be manifested.

-- R. L. Nettleship, Lectures on the Republic of Plato

 24. My client is the sole support of his aged parents. If he is sent to prison, it will break their hearts, and they will be left homeless and penniless. You surely cannot find it in your hearts to reach any other verdict than "not guilty."

25. There is no proof that the secretary "leaked" the news to the papers, so she can't have done it.

26. Diamonds are seldom found in this country, so you must be careful not to mislay your engagement ring.

27. Was it through stupidity of through deliberate dishonesty that the Administration has hopelessly botched its foreign policy? In either case, unless you are in favor of stupidity or dishonesty, you should vote against the incumbents.

28. Since all men are mortal, the human race must some day come to an end.


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by moon_river



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